Have you ever wondered where the deleted files go?

The Delete program is an essential feature of every computer operating system. Our cyber-world thrives on its ability not only to create and execute computer programs but also to undo them. We can wipe out histories, logs, and airtight evidence with just one tap on a key, yet no one seems to know where the deleted files go.
What happens when you delete a file?
Deleting a file on your computer doesn’t necessarily make it disappear, not in the true sense of the word. When you delete a file, you’ve cleared out footprints and traces of that file, but not the file itself. Technically, a deleted file only changed its location. It moves from your file manager to your computer’s recycle bin.
What if you delete a file from your recycle bin?
It’s one thing to delete a file and a whole different thing to erase one. A file deleted from a recycle bin has been erased and moved out of your recycle bin. It becomes unavailable. An unavailable file doesn’t occupy readable memory space on your hard drive.
Can an erased file be recovered?
Under certain conditions, it’s not impossible to recover erased files. As stated earlier, emptying your recycle bin gives back memory space to your computer’s hard drive. However, the most recent version or broken fragments of the file stays hidden on your hard drive but are unreadable by your operating system. With the right data recovery software, you should be able to recover pieces or units of the file.
What makes it impossible to recover erased files?
After erasing a file, the freed space that returns to your hardware still holds residues of the erased file until another file overwrites it. In other words, until you fill the freed space on your hard drive, you can recover the fragments of the previous “occupant.”
How can you completely erase your files on the cloud?
Erasing a file stored on the cloud means it has to be overwritten by your providers. If you want that done, contact your cloud storage providers to execute an overwrite program on your deleted files.
To ensure that you’re in control of your files when you share them, Bigg.ly only serves as a transit for your files. We don’t hold your files. Rather we provide data encryption to protect your data and privacy during transfer.