Frequently Asked Questions



Do I have to register to use

Nope! We like to keep things simple. No registration required. Just drag, drop, and share those files like a digital ninja.


Are you secretly using my email address for world domination?

We’re all about sharing files, not email addresses. Your data is safe with us – pinky swear!


Do you store information about me?

We might remember your email, language preferences, and browser, but only so we can make your experience super smooth. And hey, a little data helps us make things even better. But, we do not sell this information to anyone.


Is my information safe?

Absolutely! uses top-notch encryption and HTTPS protection to keep your files under lock and key. Intruders wouldn’t stand a chance.


Which file extensions does accept?

We’re not picky – all file types are welcome except for those pesky executable files (*.exe) and hidden files (starting with a “.”).


What is the maximum size allowed for a file or a transfer?

We don’t have a limit, per se. We’ve successfully transferred files as large as 40GB! So go wild (but don’t blame us if your internet connection cries for mercy).


Why is the upload so slow?

We don’t throttle your speed, so it’s probably your internet connection. If you’re still on dial-up, we might need to have a chat…


Can I upload a directory or folder?

You can choose to send files or a folder (depending on the compatibility and version of your internet browser.) You can also create an archive (zip, rar, etc.) on your computer and then upload it.


Why is the download slow?

We limit the download speed to 5 MB/s (40 Mbps), in order to best distribute speed among our users. We are committed to ensure a download speed of 1 MB/s at peak use times. If you do not reach this speed, it can be because of your internet connection. You can try restarting your modem/router or check if a firewall is blocking the service.


The files were downloaded successfully, but I can’t find them.

Check your “Downloads” folder or desktop. If they’re still playing hide-and-seek, use your computer’s search function. They can’t hide forever!


I can’t open the downloaded .zip folder.

We automatically create a zip file with the format: Biggly – To extract the files, you need help from the software. If you’re having trouble, try these free tools: 7zip on Windows and The Unarchiver for Mac. 


How long does a sent file link last?

Your file links stay fresh and ready for 14 days – that’s two whole weeks! But don’t worry if you need them to stick around longer. We’re working on some magical premium plans that’ll let you decide exactly how long your links last plus a whole bunch of other cool features. Stay tuned – exciting things are coming your way!