How to email large videos by email? It is one of the most common queries for business enthusiasts interested in enhancing the visibility of their business through email marketing. The business share of videos in B2B email marketing is 47%, which shows its practicality and efficacy.

Email Large Videos

Here is what you need to know.

What’s the Problem?

If sending videos through emails is common – why do you face problems?

Theoretically, there is no size limit when emailing files. However, every email platform has its own standards. Sometimes your file doesn’t fulfill those standards, and it is too big or too large that it could overwhelm the receiving server.

Also, multipurpose internet mail extensions increase the file size by 37%. It specifies the nature of the document and is necessarily required for the successful transfer of files.

4 Ways You Can Send Large Videos through Email

Now that you know the reasons, here is how you can fix it.

●     Check the Maximum File Size of the Email Provider

Gmail allows a maximum 25MB file attachment. Outlook entertains 10 MB. So, before your schedule emails, check out the details about the maximum file size your email provider offers.

If you ignore the file size limit, your emails will not be sent. If they are somehow forwarded, they will end up in the spam folder, especially if there is less text in your email.

●     Reduce File Size

The most proficient and effective way to send large videos through email is by reducing the file size up to the size limit of the provider.

You can reduce the size of your videos by compressing them through online platforms.

●     Use Cloud Storage Platforms

Another way is to upload your files on cloud storage platforms, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. You can embed the link to these uploaded files in your emails. It is the quickest and easiest way, as it won’t have any effect on storage space.

Do the Trick with

Do you want a time-saving solution? Skip the tiring steps and try for big relief. All you need to do is submit the content of the email and the email addresses, the interactive platform will seamlessly handle the rest of the process.